310 North Jefferson Street SW  •  Roanoke, Virginia 24016    540-982-1241  •  fbcgainsboro@yahoo.com

Open Your Heart To Jesus Christ


Rev. Moses Johnson (1881-1882)

Following Rev. Edmond Johnson, a God-directed leader, came one equally inspired – the Rev. Moses Johnson. This, the second pastor, proved to be an enthusiastic minister who took over the reins in 1881, but remained for only 1 year. However, during his brief stay, significant advances were made – outstanding among which was the burning of the mortgage of $600.

He raised and extended the spirit of worship and the church continued to grow in Christian influence which was felt throughout the community.


Rev. Richard R. Jones (1882-1904)

As we think of struggles, hardships and achievements of the eventful 22 years of Rev. R. R. Jones, our hardships are meager as compared to his. Each act of his life has a distinct spiritual message of beauty and effectiveness. We thank God for Rev. Jones for truly he was a brave soul who had the conviction of truth and courage to face the oppressors. He was determined above all things to keep the glow burning brightly in our community.

No other pastor in the history of the church has faced the struggles and hardships compounded by outside oppressors as did Rev. Jones. He was brave, he was courageous in withstanding the great evils and awesome customs of that time. The third pastor of the church served twenty-two turbulent and eventful years at the helm.

Notwithstanding that the church had only $11 in its treasury, this man of God had church members break ground for a new building at Gilmer Avenue and Jefferson Street in which the members worshipped for 84 years. The cost of the building, which was likened to a cathedral in its time, was $25,000. During Rev. Jones’ pastorate $20,000 was paid.

Under the leadership of this God-fearing leader, many other advancements were achieved: Upon his suggestion, First Baptist purchased its own cemetery; the first organ (pump) was used and the first choir was organized.

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Verse of the Day
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. — Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV)
Thought From The Heart

“Our words, spoken or written, have the power to hinder, hurt, or heal!”
