310 North Jefferson Street SW  •  Roanoke, Virginia 24016    540-982-1241  •  fbcgainsboro@yahoo.com

Open Your Heart To Jesus Christ


Rev. W. R. Brown, D. D. (1904-1915)

In 1904, Rev. W. R. Brown began his leadership of 11 years and many souls were saved. The growth of the congregation necessitated construction of pews in the balcony at a cost of $800. During his pastorate a parsonage on Patton Avenue NW was built for $3,300; a terrace wall was placed around the church building for $750 and the church’s remaining indebtedness of $5000 was cancelled.







Rev. E. E. Ricks (1915-1918)

Rev. E. E. Ricks became the fourth pastor in the Fall of 1915. Through his vast influence, a very generous gift from Mr. Andrew Carnegie enabled the church to install a $2,500 pipe organ. Many generations sat in awe and admiration of the tall stately pipes set in majestic columns atop the pulpit area and the glorious tones emitting from the great organ.

Among the many improvements made during Rev. Ricks’ short 3-year administration were: installation of steam heating plant, hymnals for the pews, individual communion service adopted to replace the common cup, envelope system was initiated as a systemic method supporting the church by individual gift giving; electric lights were placed under the balcony area and in the Sunday school rooms to replace the gas lights which had been serving for many years.


Rev. A. L. James (1918-1957)

The growth and influence of the church under Rev. A. L. James can only be called phenomenal.

He came to the church almost directly upon his return from World War I in which he served overseas with the American Expeditionary Forces as secretary under the War Work Council of the Y.M.C.A. He accepted the pastorate October 1, 1919. It was under this fantastic pastor’s administration that the membership of the church, during his first 19 years, peaked at 2193….

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Verse of the Day
O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. — Isaiah 25:1 (KJV)
Thought From The Heart

“God’s Miraculous Word, The Holy Bible, I’m so glad He said It, and I’m so glad I read It!”
